HygieneL: Monitoring Indoor Air Quality for a Healthier Environment

A Cutting-Edge Solution for Hygiene Management

In today's fast-paced world, people spend the majority of their time indoors. However, what many fail to realize is that the indoor air can be significantly more polluted than the outdoor air. This can lead to a range of health issues, including asthma and other respiratory diseases. Recognizing the need for a better way to monitor and manage indoor hygiene, the HygieneL Project Team has developed an innovative indoor air monitoring system.

The inspiration for the HygieneL system came to the team during their internship at A*star in Singapore. They observed that people in Singapore often spend long hours in air-conditioned buildings without realizing that the ventilation is inadequate, resulting in poor indoor air quality (IAQ). This can lead to the development of sick building syndrome, a condition caused by the presence of bacteria and high levels of CO2. To address this issue, the team designed the HygieneL system.

What sets the HygieneL system apart is its unique combination of hardware and software. The system consists of shell-like sensor nodes that can be easily deployed throughout a building. These sensor nodes are equipped with VOC, CO2, RH, and temperature sensors, allowing for comprehensive analysis of the indoor environment. The collected data is then sent to a server where it is processed and visualized using a Java-based program.

One of the key advantages of the HygieneL system is its use of low-power consumption technology. By utilizing Xbee and Arduino, the sensor nodes can operate efficiently while providing accurate and real-time data. The team also developed a specific algorithm for classifying indoor hygiene levels, ensuring that administrators have a clear understanding of the overall hygiene status of the building.

The HygieneL system's technical specifications include a compact size of 120mm x 120mm x 30mm, making it easy to deploy and integrate into any indoor environment. The prototype shown in the images is a 2:1 model, demonstrating the system's potential for scalability.

Operating the HygieneL system is straightforward. While it is not designed for mobile devices, it is specifically tailored for campus management. All data collected by the sensor nodes is sent to the management office, where a dedicated software program allows administrators to monitor and analyze the hygiene levels of the entire campus. Additionally, administrators have the option to share this data with students, promoting transparency and awareness of indoor air quality.

The HygieneL system was developed over a period of six months, starting in June 2014 in Singapore and concluding in November 2014 in Hangzhou, China. Throughout the project, the team faced various challenges, particularly in finding a valid combination of sensors to effectively detect bacteria indoors. After extensive research and data training using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method, they successfully identified a set of sensors that could detect bacteria with high accuracy.

The HygieneL system has garnered recognition for its innovative approach to indoor hygiene management. In 2015, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Digital and Electronic Device Design category. This prestigious award is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity, technical skill, and contribute to improving the quality of life.

With the HygieneL system, the HygieneL Project Team has provided a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing indoor air quality. By combining cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly interface, they have empowered administrators to create healthier and more comfortable indoor environments for all.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jiachun
Image Credits: Jiachun
Project Team Members: Du Jiachun Tony Quek Tan Hwee Xian Liang Hui Guang Song Yuke
Project Name: HygieneL
Project Client: Jiachun

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